Attitudes Toward Pets in Japan by Age 2023

Attitudes Toward Pets in Japan by Age 2023

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TGM StatBox. (2023). Attitudes Toward Pets in Japan by Age 2023. TGM StatBox.
Chart Details
Timeframe: 2022
Country: Japan
Type of survey: CAWI
Number of respondents: 521
Age group: 18 - 64
Published date: 2023
Survey Question: "

What is your attitude towards pets?


Key Takeaways

Among Japanese individuals aged 18-24, 24.75% express a liking for all pets, significantly higher than other age groups. This demographic also shows the highest percentage (42.95%) who like only specific pets, indicating a flexible approach to pet preferences among young adults. For those aged 45-54, there is a higher inclination (19.99%) towards liking all pets compared to younger adults. Gender differences are evident in attitudes toward pets. Females are more likely (21.82%) to express a liking for all pets compared to males (13.96%). Additionally, females tend to have a lower percentage of indifference towards pets than males, highlighting a generally stronger affinity for pets among women. For more insights, explore the rate of popular pets in Japan, top cat breeds in Japan, and best known pet food brands in Japan.

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