Favorite Travel Activities Among Nigerians 2023

Favorite Travel Activities Among Nigerians 2023

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TGM StatBox. (2024). Favorite Travel Activities Among Nigerians 2023. TGM StatBox.
Chart Details
Timeframe: 2022
Country: Nigeria
Type of survey: CAWI
Number of respondents: 57
Age group: 18 - 64
Published date: 2024
Survey Question: "What activities do you usually do while traveling?"
Key Takeaways
Nigerian travel activities reflect diverse interests, with shopping leading as the most popular pursuit for 65% of travelers. Retail experiences are important in Nigerian travel plans, and itineraries should include visits to local markets, shopping districts, and unique boutiques. Destinations can attract Nigerian tourists by highlighting their retail offerings, from traditional crafts to modern luxury goods. Beach and leisure activities follow closely, attracting 53% of travelers seeking relaxation. This preference aligns with the overall desire for restful experiences, complementing the budget-conscious approach of many Nigerian tourists. For more detailed statistics on Nigerian travel behaviors, explore popular travel activities for Nigerians, top travel needs and requirements, and favored travel styles of Nigerians.

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