Net ODA Received in Bangladesh (1990-2022): Yearly Data Overview

Net ODA Received in Bangladesh (1990-2022): Yearly Data Overview

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TGM StatBox. (2024). Net ODA Received in Bangladesh (1990-2022): Yearly Data Overview. TGM StatBox.
Chart Details
Timeframe: 1990-2022
Country: Bangladesh
Published date: 2024
Note: Net Official Development Assistance (Net ODA) received refers to the total official aid provided to a country by other governments and international organizations. It includes grants, loans, or technical assistance aimed at promoting economic development and welfare.
Key Takeaways
Bangladesh's Net ODA (% of GNI) declined steadily from 5.5% in 1990 to under 1% by the mid-2000s, reflecting its transition from heavy donor dependency to a more self-sustained development model. The early 1990s marked significant aid flows aimed at poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, and disaster management.

Post-2000, ODA contributions stabilized at lower levels, with fluctuations tied to natural disasters such as cyclones and floods, which spurred short-term increases in aid. For example, the uptick to 1.5% in 2012 coincided with responses to humanitarian needs. Bangladesh's economic resilience and global recognition as a rising economy have since reduced its reliance on traditional ODA, maintaining levels around 1% into the 2020s.

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