Military Personnel as a Percentage of Population in Brunei, 1987-2016

Military Personnel as a Percentage of Population in Brunei, 1987-2016

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TGM StatBox. (2024). Military Personnel as a Percentage of Population in Brunei, 1987-2016. TGM StatBox.
Chart Details
Data Source: Our World in Data
Timeframe: 1987-2016
Country: Brunei
Published date: 2024
Note: Military personnel as a percentage of the population refers to the proportion of a country's total population that is actively serving in the military.
Key Takeaways
Brunei’s military personnel as a percentage of the population displayed both stability and periods of adjustment from 1987 to 2016. Starting at 1.7% in 1987, a slight decline to 1.5% by 1991 was followed by fluctuations, peaking at 1.8% in 1994 and 2.0% in 2002-2003. This peak period reflects Brunei’s response to regional security dynamics, ensuring a robust military presence amid evolving geopolitical contexts. Post-2003, the percentage stabilized at around 1.7%, demonstrating Brunei’s sustained investment in maintaining a strong military proportionate to its population size. This consistent presence aligns with Brunei's priorities of safeguarding sovereignty and contributing to regional stability, balancing military capacity with the small nation’s development needs.

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