South Korea's Total Population from 1990 to 2023

South Korea's Total Population from 1990 to 2023

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TGM StatBox. (2024). South Korea's Total Population from 1990 to 2023. TGM StatBox.
Chart Details
Timeframe: 1990-2023
Country: South Korea
Published date: 2024
Note: Population data, as defined by World Development Indicators, represents the total number of individuals residing in a specific country or region at a particular point in time.
Key Takeaways
Population Growth Trends in South Korea (1990-2023)
South Korea’s population grew steadily from around 42 million in 1990 to a peak of approximately 52 million in 2020, followed by a slight decline to 51.7 million by 2023. This growth was supported by economic development, urbanization, and improved healthcare, which increased life expectancy. However, South Korea has recently faced a declining birth rate, among the lowest globally, due to high living costs, housing affordability issues, and changing societal norms. Since 2020, the population has shown signs of decline, with efforts to boost birth rates through policy incentives yet to yield substantial results, indicating potential challenges for future economic and workforce stability.

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