Spain's Total Population from 1990 to 2023

Spain's Total Population from 1990 to 2023

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TGM StatBox. (2024). Spain's Total Population from 1990 to 2023. TGM StatBox.
Chart Details
Timeframe: 1990-2023
Country: Spain
Published date: 2024
Note: Population data, as defined by World Development Indicators, represents the total number of individuals residing in a specific country or region at a particular point in time.
Key Takeaways
Population Growth Trends in Spain (1990-2023)
Spain’s population increased from 38.9 million in 1990 to 48.4 million in 2023, marked by periods of growth and stagnation. The 1990s and early 2000s experienced steady gains, driven by economic expansion and an influx of immigrants attracted by job opportunities. Urbanization accelerated, as people moved to cities for work, and Spain became a popular destination for retirees from across Europe, influencing demographic trends. The late 2000s saw slower growth, affected by the global financial crisis, which reduced immigration and led to population stagnation. During the 2010s, Spain faced a declining birth rate, influenced by changing societal norms, economic pressures, and delayed family planning. However, immigration once again played a crucial role in sustaining population numbers. By 2023, the population had risen to 48.4 million, partly due to renewed economic activity and Spain’s appeal as a desirable destination. Nevertheless, challenges such as an aging population and a low birth rate pose future demographic and economic sustainability concerns.

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